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Solo Ranged Solak Advanced

Solo Solak Range Camp


With bik arrows bikarrow and the bolg ranged has the potential for extremely high damage output at Solak, as it allows for heavy poisonicon utilisation. However, due to the nature of crits, no two kills will ever be the same. As such, this channel will discuss rotations in broad strokes.

This is an advanced range guide to Grandmaster role (sub 5:15) solo Solak, assuming strong underlying knowledge of all Solak mechanics.

⬥ Excess adrenaline can be used for more ecbeofspec, dboweofspec , or bolgspec

General Notes

⬥ All abilities on roots/arms/legs/core/eruptions/Erethor are done with fularrow unless stated otherwise. All abilities on Solak under 400 bik stacks evolvingtoxin are done with bikarrow unless stated otherwise.

⬥ At 400 stacks, use fularrow and swap for bikarrow every 20 seconds and before going to kill elf to upkeep evolvingtoxin. All sgbeofspec are done using fularrow

Preset and Relics

Preset Suggestion & Breakdown

⬥ It is assumed that the Spirit Weed SpiritSticks, Kwuarm KwuarmSticks, and Lantadyme incense sticks LantaSticks are used a bank.

bloodreaver with reaverscroll are presummoned, autofire set to 3-6.

⬥ The two dummy are for prebuild and for building at the start of Phase 4.

⬥ Ensure you have bikarrow, fularrow, deathsporearrows in quivers.

⬥ Runes for smokecloud, prismofrestoration, veng, disrupt, SBSLunars to use as needed.

The Fight

Pre Build on Dummy:

Use grico and other basics for 5 stacks of deathsporearrows and 2-6 bolg stacks perfectequilibrium but keep grico almost off cd before starting.

Phase 1:

incendgdeathsswift + adrenrenewal + start fight + swap to bikarrow → (tc) + ingen + smokecloud + gricosgbeofspececbeofspecbolgspeclimitless (if necessary) + ‎ ‎rapidsnapdboweofspecgricodboweofspecrapidsgbeofspec → go rootlings


Improvise with basics, snap and bolgspec, always doing a piercing on Solak after to keep/build up bikarrow stacks.

On last two rootlings build up deathsporearrows (grico/piercing) and incend either last root or arm.


( incend →) gdeathsswift then improvise tresholds with ecbeofspec on, always doing one grico with bikarrow before going to legs.


Same as arms, gricobikarrow before killing last leg and doing a bolgspec with 3 stacks in between.


Equip fularrow + (tc) + sgbeofspec + vulnbombecbeofspecrapiddboweofspec/snap/bolgspec → filler

Phase 2:

Do three defensives while waiting for Solak to be attackable, then use a damaging ability with bikarrow (preferable grico).


Always use the bolg perfectequilibrium to get an extra snap, bolgspec or snipe hit. Use vulnbomb on all eruptions. Use piercing with bikarrow on Solak after two south eruptions.


(tc) + vulnbomb + ingen + smokecloud + frag while walking to north spot → corruptshotrapiddeathsporearrows gricopiercing if no 5 deathsporearrows stacks → incendgdeathsswift + adrenrenewalsgbeofspecbolgspeclimitless (if necessary) + rapidgricodboweofspecsnapdboweofspec → filler → gricorapidsgbeofspec → filler till phased

Phase 3:

frag + while walking to north of either the west or east northern pad (do not let Solak on the pad) → corruptshotrapiddeathsporearrows gricopiercing if no 5 deathsporearrows stacks → incendgdeathsswift → ‎ ‎piercing > bolgspec → filler, move Solak onto the pad at 600k-700k hp and freedombindingshot when necessary dive back to gdeathsswift) → rapid > snap/dbow/grico depending on bolg perfectequilibrium (dboweofspec if 2 or 3, grico/snap if 0 or 1) → filler till phasing (goal is to go to elf with Solak <300k hp).


ecbeofspec + go into elf → divert + surge → auto + gricorapid → filler till dead.

Phase 4:

Instant-deploy dummy + (tc) + equip deathsporearrows + gricopiercingmdsdive to Solak + (tc) + equip bikarrow + bindingshot → equip deathsporearrows + grico if not at 5 deathsporearrows stacks → incendgdeathsswift + adrenrenewalecbeofspecsgbeofspec → (limitless if necessary +) rapiddboweofspec/snap/grico → filler till dead

Video Example

Solo Solak GM ranged example