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Rasial, the First Necromancer


In order to fight Rasial you must complete the Alpha vs Omega quest. Rasial deals Necromancy and typeless damage, and can currently only be killed using Necromancy.

Rotations last updated: 19 Dec 2023

Due to the affinity changes on 29 Jan 2024, you will no longer have 100% hitchance below 110 necromancy, meaning that these rotations will likely need some improv to be successful if you are below this level.


⬥ Before the last phase, Rasial uses dive to avoid the player if the player stands within a 2 square radius (scythe range) of him.     • It is not feasible to use spectralscythe against him.     • Getting this mechanic may cancel deathskulls bounces. ​
Conjure familiars
⬥ Rasial can conjure skeletal warriors conjureskeleton and putrid zombies conjurezombie to attack the player.     • Unlike the player, he can conjure multiple of each.     • It's recommended to ignore them throughout the fight. ​
Soul stacks
⬥ Rasial can gain residualsoul and use soulsap like the player, and holds up to 5 stacks, shown by green orbs under his health bar.     • At 5 stacks, he shouts 'This is true power!' and uses volleyofsouls. Flick deflectnecromancy (+ devo if needed) to avoid taking heavy damage.     • The rotation outlined below should skip this mechanic consistently. ​
Soul obelisk
⬥ At 700k HP, Rasial summons 2 soul obelisks with 12,000 HP each.     • They each have a bar which fills repeatedly. Upon filling, Rasial will get a residualsoul stack.     • It's recommended to ignore this mechanic and focus on DPSing the boss. ​
Spirit wall
⬥ Rasial summons a wall of 7 ghosts behind the player which moves forward, dealing heavy typeless damage upon contact.     • If using movement abilities surge dive to avoid this stay within 5 tiles of Rasial for deathskulls ​    • Standing next to the barrier will avoid ghosts entirely. ​
Spectral scythe
⬥ Rasial pulls the player to him and uses spectralscythe, shouting 'I will reap your soul!'
Phase 4
⬥ At 200K HP, Rasial jumps to the upper deck of the citadel and briefly becomes immune, remaining stationary and stopping all mechanics mentioned above.     • Necrotic explosions will occur, following the player. If hit, players take heavy Necromancy damage. Rasial's auto attacks are also always empowered, dealing double damage and disabling protection prayers. antitheism


The rotations may not work as well as intended if any of the following are missing:

⬥ Undead damage boosts salveamulet undeadslayer undeadslayerperk.

igneouskalzuk/igneouskalmor for deathskulls.

conservationofenergy Conservation of Energy + furyofthesmall Fury of the Small

invig4 perk.

⬥ Blood Reaver reaverpouch autofire set to 3-7.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Spam eat blueblubber under splitsoul if not using reaverscroll.

⬥ The Lunar spellbook is used for veng.

⬥ All of the Necromancy talent tree unlocked.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Greater bone shield greaterboneshield active.

Preset and Relics

Preset Suggestion & Breakdown

T90 Rotation

livingdeath + adrenrenewal need to be used on the same tick.

⬥ Skip invokedeath if using dealertop80 armour.

Pre-Build Outside Instance

conjurearmyinvokedeath + enter instance → lifetransfer + surgecommandghost + surge + (walk 2 tiles forward)commandskeleton + vulnbomb

Phase 1-3

deathskullstouchofdeathsoulsapbloatnecroautosoulsapnecroautonecroautolivingdeath + adrenrenewaltouchofdeathdeathskulls ‎ ‎→ commandskeletondivertsoulsapsplitsoulfingerofdeath + undeadslayervolleyofsoulsdeathskullstouchofdeathsoulsapnecroautofingerofdeathcommandskeletonnecroautodeathskullsbloatsoulsaptouchofdeathfingerofdeathsoulsapvolleyofsoulscommandskeletonnecroautonecroautosoulsaptouchofdeath → Filler

Phase 4

NOTE: Using deathskulls too early will result in the first bounce becoming immune.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The correct timing of deathskulls is the same tick as the "Ha! No more games!" message.

deathskullslimitless + reflect + vitalityfingerofdeathdeathguard90 specsoulsapvolleyofsouls → Filler

T95 Invigorate Rotation

⬥ Requires invigaura aura

smokecloud start is not required

veng whenever it's off cd

conjurearmylifetransfer after getting 100% adrenaline at crystal while running towards instance.


conjurearmylifetransfer + enter instance → invokedeath + surgecommandghost + surge + (walk 2 tiles forward)commandskeleton + vulnbomb + equip magic/ranged mh + ingen.

Phase 1-3

(tc) + smokecloud + equip omniguard + deathskullssoulsaptouchofdeath + adrenrenewallivingdeathtouchofdeathdeathskullssoulsapnecroautobloatsplitsouldivertfingerofdeath → 1t undeadslayer + walk 3 tiles forward → deathskullstouchofdeathomniguard specnecroautofingerofdeathnecroautofingerofdeathdeathskullscommandskeletonsoulsapbloatnecroautosoulsaptouchofdeathnecroautosoulsapvolleyofsouls

Phase 4

NOTE: Using deathskulls too early will result in the first bounce becoming immune.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The correct timing of deathskulls is the same tick as the "Ha! No more games!" message.

⬥ If phased before volleyofsouls:

commandskeleton/soulsap/necroautodeathskullsvolleyofsoulslimitless + reflect + vitality + dtbdeathguard90 eofspectouchofdeathnecroautofingerofdeath → Filler

⬥ If phased after volleyofsouls:

commandskeletondeathskullsdeathguard90 eofspeclimitless + reflect + vitality + dtbtouchofdeathnecroautofingerofdeathcommandzombiesoulsapcommandskeleton → Filler

T95 Rotation

⬥ This rotation seeks to consistently hit around 1:06 - 1:12.

smokecloud start is not required

veng whenever it's off cd

conjurearmylifetransfer after getting 100% adrenaline at crystal while running towards instance.


conjurearmylifetransfer + enter instance → invokedeath + surgecommandghost + surge + (walk 2 tiles forward)commandskeleton + vulnbomb + equip magic/ranged mh + ingen.

Phase 1-3

(tc) + smokecloud + equip omniguard + deathskullssoulsaptouchofdeathnecroautosoulsaplivingdeath + adrenrenewal (same tick)touchofdeathdeathskulls + activate excalcommandskeletondivertsplitsoulbloatsoulsapnecroautodeathskulls → 2t undeadslayernecroautosoulsapfingerofdeathtouchofdeathfingerofdeathnecroautodeathskullscommandskeletonsoulsapomniguard specnecroautotouchofdeathnecroautofingerofdeathnecroauto → Filler

Phase 4

NOTE: Using deathskulls too early will result in the first bounce becoming immune.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The correct timing of deathskulls is the same tick as the "Ha! No more games!" message.

deathskullsdtb switch + limitless + reflectveng (when off cd) + volleyofsoulsnecroauto + (vitality as needed)fingerofdeathdeathguard90 specnecroauto → Filler → lotd + equip enhancedexcalibur to dismiss conjures.