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Necromancy Minion Tank/Free

Necromancy Minion Tank / Free

Preset and relics

Preset Suggestion & Breakdown




Note: This rotation starts on base's invokedeath. You should be using commandskeleton at 4.8s on the timer

Phase 1

(Free: ingen + praeswandsmokecloud + ) deathskullssoulsapsoulstrikeflankomniguardspecsoulsapnecroauto

Note: Free usually applies smokecloud, but it can also be done by any minion tank

Phase 2

touchofdeathsoulsapstormshardscommandskeletonsoulsap ‎ ‎→ deathguard90eofspecnecroautosoulsaptouchofdeath

Note: Time deathguard90eofspec ‎ ‎so that it hits aod as she becomes damageable again

Phase 3

livingdeath + adrenrenewaltouchofdeathsoulsapdeathskullsvolleyofsoulscommandskeletonthreadsoffatesoulsapvolleyofsoulsfingerofdeathtouchofdeath

Note: Glacies minion tank should surge on volleyofsouls, and Cruor and Fumus minion tanks should surge on commandskeleton


Pillar 1 deathskullssoulsapnecroauto

Pillar 2 fingerofdeathsoulsapnecroauto

Pillar 3 splitsouldeathguard90 eofspecsoulsap

Pillar 4 deathskullstouchofdeathsoulsap

Note: invokedeath may be beneficial on slower pillars. See this link for more information on how to move between pillars with Necromancy.


volleyofsoulsomniguardspecfingerofdeath → ‎ ‎necroauto

Example Kills
09-2023 - Au tumn - Umbra ​09-2023 - Beta Fox - Glacies ​09-2023 - DanMakesItRain - Cruor ​09-2023 - Beta Fox- Fumus
AoD: 7-10 Man
This guide is made and upkept in collaboration with the AoD: 7-10 Man discord. For those interested in a non-toxic and friendly environment for ‘Small’ team AoD, with team sizes varying from 7 to 10. We accept all experience levels, from Learners to Experts and Teachers. We offer teams running throughout the day.