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4 Man Advanced Solak

4-Man Advanced

Solak Discord

The contents of this guide are credited solely to the Solak server and are used with their permission.

Find teamforming opportunities for all skill levels, VOD review, helpful discussion and more at:


All rotations are calculated for consistency and speed. With proper execution you should achieve times of 3:45 and below.

Preset and Relics

Preset Suggestion & Breakdown

Team Preparation

Dummies dummy

⬥ Base

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P3 after gbarge

⬥ Outside DPS

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P1 between legs, no earlier than 22s on timer

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P3 after gbarge

⬥ Elf

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P2 during zerk before Solak is walked all the way North

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P4 after Erethdor dies

⬥ Elf

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Backup P2 dummy / P4 after Erethdor dies

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• P3 after gbarge


⬥ Base should always asphyx the close arm while everyone else does far

Important Notes

⬥ It is assumed that you use venggroup and ripperscroll off cooldown from Core onwards. Poor familiar usage will be detrimental to exit times

⬥ Everyone should help manage RubyAurora stacks to get to 3 as soon as possible

icebarrage autocast is used to make fsoa spec autos land faster. You can bloodbarrage instead if you need HP

Phase 1

Solak (5m to 3.75m)

Base will use divert to signal ready. The rotation starts when their GCD comes up

gsunshine + adrenrenewal → close TC + bloodbarrage + gconcfsoa specstormshardstsunamigconcdbreathwmasphyx (2/3 hit) → vitality + debilsmoketendrilsomniarmadylbattlestaff eofspecgconcdbreath

*Note 1: switch to RubyAurora after tsunami and switch back to incitefear after asphyx

Note 2: start building exsanguinate after your second incitefear proc

Note 3: make sure to hold the wrackandruin until core*


Mined root

gconcwm → finish with basics

Full root

chaosroarcane → finish with basics

nat at 48s (50s if you nat at 120 adren)

Arms/Legs (All gsunshine West)

gsunshinefreedom icebarragefsoa specstormshardsmagmatempesttarget close arm → s gchaincaroming → far TC + r gchaincaroming + tsunami → DW asphyx (2 hit)

Target dummy + deto (4t) → icebarrage deto dbreath on dummy

*Note 1: auto attack with RubyAurora while waiting for gsunshine cooldown if already 100%

Note 2: aim to keep your HP as low as possible and don't soulsplit until core

Note 3: make sure to renew incitefear after gsunshine, then switch to icebarrage before stalling*


Far TC + omniwmsmoketendrils (3/4 hit) → wrackandruin

*Note 1: switch to incitefear for the proc and then back to icebarrage before the end of core

Note 2: switch back to incitefear some time before your P2 gsunshine*

Phase 2


antizerk + vulnbomb → close TC + gbargelimitless + gflurrygricodecisever + surge bd to solak

*Note 1: base replaces deci with cane to compensate for no ripperscroll

Note 2: make sure to 2x ripperscroll your erupt else it has a high chance of not dying to sever*



deci → s gfury → r 2H gfury + meteorstrikechaosroarzekkil eofspecgricoabyssalscourge + overpowerdismemberslaughterbloodtendrilscomb

Note: you may need to skip slaughter / bloodtendrils depending on crits


2H gfury → s meteorstrike → r meteorstrike + overpowerdeciassaultcanedeci / destroy (2/3/4 hit) → gricomagmatempesttarget

Note: step under solak before assault to make sure it doesn't get walked

gsunshinebloodbarrage + gconcfsoa specgchaingconcwmasphyx (2 hit) → gconcomnitsunamismoketendrilsarmadylbattlestaff eofspecgconcdbreath

*Note 1: Switch to RubyAurora after gchain and switch back to incitefear on omni

Note 2: You will need to work around asphyx cooldown if you used destroy*

Phase 3


antires / divertzerkgbargecanegricogflurryassaultadrenrenewal + overpowermeteorstrikechaosroarzekkil eofspecslaughterdismemberabyssalscourge + canegricogchaincaroming


antires / divertzerkgbargecanegricogflurryassault → 2H gfurymeteorstrikeoverpowerdecidestroycanegricogchaincaroming (elfs enter)

*Note 1: outside DPS should replace gfury with Shatter and adrenrenewal with meteorstrike

Note 2: skip gchaincaroming if adren and meta cooldown allows*

metagconcfsoa speclimitless + smoketendrilsomniasphyx (2 hit) → wm

*Note 1: elfs should adrenrenewal with gconc since they don't have gchaincaroming targets

Note 2: switch to icebarrage after incitefear proc*

Phase 4

Dummy Build

gchaintsunaminatgconclengmh specgricozerkdivertgbarge

Note: make sure you're wearing vestmentsofhavochood for the grico


(<530k) s assault → r assault + overpowerdragonclaw eofspeccane + spam gmaul eofspec

(<600k) s assault → r assault + overpowerdragonclaw eofspecdragonclaw eofspeccane + spam gmaul eofspec

(<700k) deciseverdestroyassaultgfuryoverpowercanedragonclaw eofspec

Example Kills

Example Kills
BaseOutside DPSElf

Solak Discord

The contents of this guide are credited solely to the Solak server and are used with their permission.

Find teamforming opportunities for all skill levels, VOD review, helpful discussion and more at: